Finite element method and Its applications  

Modern science has many approaches to creating a quantitative mathematical model for any system. One of them is considered the finite element method, which is based on the creation of behavioural differences (infinitely) of its elements, based on the assumption of the relationship between the main elements that are able to provide a complete description of this system. Outcome: Able to solve plane and axially symmetrical tasks of thermal conductivity and the ones of theory of elasticity with the help of ELCUT. - Practical work. Control work Able to solve plane tasks of theory of elasticity and the ones of fracture mechanics with the help of FRANC. - Practical work. Control work Able to execute an analysis of strength of a specific 3D object with the help of Mechanical Desktop. - Practical work. Control work To be proficient in general questions of theory of the finite element method. - Exam.
Finite element method and Its applications

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